After your tooth extraction, our dentists will provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions to help ensure a smooth recovery process. It is essential to follow these instructions closely to minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of complications. If you have any questions about your post-op instructions or need to schedule an appointment with Dr. Matthew Fraiz, Dr. Brian Fraiz, or Dr. Mallory Griffith, please call Indy Dental Health. Our team is here to support you through your recovery journey.
After your procedure, the initial healing period typically lasts one to two weeks. During the first 48 hours, it is normal to experience some swelling and discomfort. These symptoms will gradually subside as the healing progresses. Following the recommended care guidelines is crucial to avoid disrupting the healing process and ensure the extraction site heals properly.
Post-Operative Care Tips:
- Immediate Care: Do not chew anything for at least two hours or until the anesthetic wears off. This will prevent accidental injury to your lips, tongue, or cheek.
- Swelling Management: Use an ice pack or cold compress on the outside of your face near the extraction site for 15-20 minutes at a time to help reduce swelling.
- Site Protection: Avoid touching the extraction site with your tongue or fingers, as this can introduce bacteria and slow the healing process.
- No Straws or Tobacco: Avoid drinking through a straw and refrain from smoking or using tobacco products for several days to prevent dry socket, a painful condition caused by dislodging the blood clot.
- Oral Hygiene: Do not rinse your mouth or spit vigorously on the day of surgery. Starting the next day, gently rinse with a saltwater solution to keep the area clean.
- Activity and Diet: Avoid strenuous activities for 24 hours and keep your head elevated to reduce bleeding. Stick to a soft diet for 48 hours, focusing on foods like yogurt, applesauce, and soup.
Please Contact Us
If you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding, or any signs of infection, contact our office immediately. For additional guidance or to schedule a follow-up visit with our dentists in Indianapolis, Shelbyville, or Greenwood, Indiana, call our office today. Our team is dedicated to your comfort and successful recovery.