Does Coming to the Dentist for Treatment Make You Nervous? Try IV Dental Sedation!

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Does coming to the dentist and getting a procedure done cause fear or anxiety? Then dental IV sedation might be right for you!

The American Dental Association estimates that 22% of Americans avoid dental visits for this exact reason, but putting off dental visits can be detrimental to your health. IV sedation refers to administering an anti-anxiety drug into your bloodstream. However, during this, you are not fully unconscious. Rather than putting you to sleep, the sedative helps you relax and feel at peace. While you will still be able to respond to the dentist during IV sedation, when you wake up your visit and procedure will be vague. Your pulse and oxygen levels will be closely monitored the whole appointment, and your blood pressure will be checked before and after.You may feel sleepy or groggy after so it is important to have someone drive you to your appointment. Let us know if IV sedation sounds right for you, give us a call at 317-398-6399 to get scheduled. If IV sedation doesn’t sound like the best option for you, we have several more options available.