‘Tis the Season for Using Up Your Dental Benefits Before 2024!

Our staff here in Greenwood would love to help you utilize your dental benefits before the 2023 benefit year is up! Call our office to schedule and/or hop on that cancellation list to get your dental work done today! Also, be sure to check back next week as our staff here in Greenwood has a gingerbread house decorating contest! Don’t... read more »

Did You Know October Is National Oral Hygiene Month?

Did you know October is National Oral Hygiene Month? October is a month to raise awareness of the importance of good oral hygiene and celebrate our dental hygienists! Our hygienists here at Indy Dental Health take your oral health very seriously as it is a key component to your overall wellbeing. Our hygienists are here to help you feel great... read more »

Tips for Getting Your Kids To Brush!

Are trying to get your child to brush their chompers twice a day as recommened, only to find they are slacking? We have some tips that can help you motivate your child to brush as recommended: Let your kids watch you brushing and flossing or brush each other's teeth. Make brushing and flossing a game. Give the kids some options... read more »

The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

If you have ever lost a tooth, you might be thinking "Is it worth it to replace it?" Here at Indy Dental Health Shelbyville, we say YES! Why do we say YES? Because having too many missing teeth can affect your function in everyday life. You may have difficulty: chewing speaking teeth can become misaligned bone can even begin to... read more »

Types of Specialties in Dentistry

Ever wonder why your dentist may refer you to another office? This is because sometimes certain doctors have special training to become more proficient in certain areas of dentistry. There are many different types of specialties in dentistry such as orthodontics, periodontics, prosthodontist, endodontist, oral surgery, and pediatrics.

What is a Panoramic X-Ray?

A panoramic X-ray is a 2-dimensional dental X-ray that captures the whole mouth in one single image. We typically use this image to detect bone abnormalities, fractures, impacted teeth, infections, tumors, and cysts. It is also used to plan extensive treatment such as braces, implants, and dentures. Are Dental X-rays Safe? Do you ever wonder how safe dental X-rays are?... read more »

Do You Want To Know Your Options for a Perfect Smile?

We have options for you! The most known form of treatment is traditional braces- it's one of the oldest and most widely used forms of treatment for straightening your teeth. Braces are a series of wires and brackets that attach to the teeth and move each individual tooth over time. We do not offer braces at our practice but we... read more »

What Is a Root Canal?

What comes to mind when you think of May? Summer, the beach, root canals? This week we celebrate national root canal day! Most people are reserved when it comes to getting a root canal, but getting a root canal can save your tooth! What we commonly call a root canal is a special treatment for a tooth when the nerve has become... read more »

Oral Cancer and What Should You Look For

April is oral cancer awareness month. We want our patients to know what to look for! We check for oral cancer at every check up. Treatment of oral cancer depends on the stage it is in but includes medication (chemotherapy), radiation, or surgery.